Yep, the hubby has been gone for my birthday weekend. Sad. I can't be too sad though, because I told him he could take the trip. I knew he wouldn't have asked me if it wasn't important to him.
It turned out to be a really good day. I drove out to Scottsdale and met my boy for lunch. I got to see his office and meet his coworkers. (Of course, I made sure to look super-cute just in case there were any women there who had their eye on him). He told me that he had called around trying to schedule me a pedicure and he was sorry he didn't have an appointment (they were booked) but he wanted me to go treat myself to one for my birthday.
Aren't these flip flops cute? Go so nicely with the painted toes.
I was driving back home after my pedicure when I notice a large van blocking my driveway. I got a little mad, thinking it must be one of the neighbors. As I got closer, I noticed that it was an Edible Arrangements van. The irritation turned into puzzlement. Until I noticed a man at my door, holding a bag with a floating balloon.
Gasp, for me?
Woot woot! I read the card and it said, "Happy birthday to my sweet sister Deidre! Love you!"
No signature.
But a clue. Unfortunately, it only narrowed it down to eight people since I am one of nine children. Although, I was pretty sure it was one of two sisters.
These strawberries are yummy-noises delicious. I already destroyed them, but my mouth is watering just looking at this picture again.
Joseph ordered me some books and hair products from my Amazon wish list (the wish list is a beautiful thing).
Friday night was spent with just a few friends; it was such a good night. I prefer just a small group of people rather than a large party. When I am hosting a party where not everyone knows every one else I always end up worrying that not everyone is having a good time. But there was enough hysterical laughter that it was fabulous. For example, this gift from Katelyn:
Homemade sugar scrub! Love it. Katelyn apologized for the container, saying she thought it looked like a urine sample cup. I took a closer look at the container, and agreed, but admitted that I didn't see it at first. Then someone said it could be a sperm sample and the dirty jokes took off from there.
Tonight I am going out with a few sisters. We're not exactly sure what we're going to do for our sister night, but it will be good to get together.
And tomorrow, Joseph will be home!
I like to spend my b-day with my favorite man instead of a bunch of friends. He is my FAVE. so I totally get that. a pedicure and chocolate covered strawberries sound like a PERFECT birthday.