Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 2010

I haven't been blogging as much. Reason number one is that the home improvement projects have dwindled quite a bit. My house wish-list is nowhere near being done, but all of the things that needed to be fixed are pretty much complete. We are still going to add shelves in the den, but then I think we will be tackling the backyard...and by "we," I mean Joseph and some hired help. But I went off on a tangent - reason number two is that I have pictures on two different cameras. And those two different cameras download (upload? can never remember) to two different computers.

Here's what I've been up to this month....

I got this headboard for free at a garage sale. Really nice lady. But she painted it black and didn't do a very good job of it. I've always wanted to try stripping....
Sister Kristi. Partner in crime. Turns out we stink at stripping. Will have to keep our day jobs.
It's really hard. We got some black paint off, but it mostly still looks like that.
It's in my parents' garage...we'll tackle it some other day....
I am signed up for Groupon, and let me tell you what a fabulous idea that is! Turns out there is a pottery place right by our house and I had no idea! For a steep discount, Joseph and I signed up to make some pottery!! This is our second session, after the pots were already fired. I couldn't get any pictures the first session because my hands were covered in clay. We learned how to use the wheel and it is something I've always wanted to try. Turns out Joseph is much better at it than I am...but that doesn't surprise me. He has really strong hands. I very frequently beg for neck and back rubs.

We did three each. They've been sitting on my washer since I picked them up...not really sure what to do with them. Sorry about the background...I learned in my photograph class (also purchased from Groupon) that the background is just as important as the picture, but I wasn't moving them just to have the trouble cat want to know what I'm doing, and try to get in the picture. She really likes being in pictures.

These next pictures are at my parents' house on Christmas Eve and Christmas. My Dad and Joseph are putting together the catapult we got for Matt.
Matt was helping.
I don't know why I didn't get a decent picture, but this is my brother the marine. Visiting from North Carolina. Always good to see him.
Steph, sister.
Handsome boy
They are playing a game. It was pretty crazy. At one point Kristi had to put her finger up her left nostril and yodel.

Another nephew, Austin.

It was a good Christmas. I didn't feel well toward the end of the day so I took a nap, and I've been fighting a sore throat and cold since Sunday. I couldn't miss work because I am the only mentor for the three new hires, and they're brand new. They need a lot of attention when they're brand new. I hope I'm not infecting anyone, but I am really getting tired of not feeling well. Joseph takes good care of me when I'm sick, but it's funny because I don't mind being left alone. He on the other hand turns into a baby and needs to be coddled. But I'm pretty sure most men are like that.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I love this time of year. It starts to cool down...but it's still nice enough that you can wear short sleeves when you put up Christmas lights....wonderful Christmas music is playing on the radio...we start planning the wonderful surprises for the people we love...

Are you jealous of the train set? It belongs to my you remember reading about it in this post? Hehehehe. I crack myself up. I was really excited this year as we were setting up our tree and I realized we had our wonderful lights in that area that we didn't have last year.
So you see my trouble-maker cat Lilly there in the picture? She was really interested in the tree and the train. And knocking down my ornaments. I think she's calmed down now.

You can't really see my Christmas lights...but they are sooo beautiful! We got colored lights this year! We don't go all out on the decorations, but I think it's enough to show our Christmas cheer.

The purple girls at the company holiday party. Thanks for doing my hair (little sister) Breezy!

Katie and Bryan, two of my favorite people. So adorable. Katie is showing off her poker chips...the theme this year was Las Vegas, and there was "fake" gambling. For every $500 you won, you could trade it in for a raffle ticket to put in for different prizes. Cross your fingers for us. I'd really like the Suns tickets...don't tell Joseph, but I would take my dad. :)

What's your favorite holiday tradition? Joseph and I need some ideas. We may have been married four years already, but I'd like to incorporate something new this year.