Sunday, September 16, 2012

Garden Tags

I found these tutorials online, and showed them to J, thinking it was a cute idea.

He said he would like them in his garden. And then he reminded me three times throughout the month. I figured he was pretty serious so I went about gathering the supplies and made them this weekend.

 The metal stamps were only $16 on Amazon. I love the little box - it was really easy finding the letter I needed.

 I had a couple re-dos because the first attempt was not great.

I've done 13 so far. I tried different little twisty tops. The heart is my favorite so far.


  1. Those are way cute! They turned out really good and I LOVE that you guys are growing PUMPKINS!!!

  2. Also, I am so glad I didn't have to verify that I was not a robot by reading and copying print I couldn't identify before posting my comment. Thank you.
