Sunday, November 29, 2015


J's family was out of town, so we didn't have to split time. We hung out with my family.

Breezy is his second favorite Auntie. She was comforting him after he fell down.

Kristi is his number one favorite. 

Two siblings are missing from this picture. 

The older nephew is helping his cousin clean the grass off his hands. It's funny, because when the older one was that age, he didn't like his hands to be dirty either.

It's just not Thanksgiving without dogs staring at me.

My youngest sister Breezy curled my hair for me, which I very much appreciate. Our sister Danielle was hanging out in the bathroom chatting. Danielle recently had surgery and will be having chemo treatments soon.

My phone lit up with a Happy Thanksgiving text from our sister Megan who lives in Texas. Danielle informed me, in a very braggy way, that she had received that message a minute earlier. I texted Megan asking why Danielle was texted before me. Megan said not to read anything into it; she was just texting people randomly. I texted back (and made sure Danielle could see) and told Megan it was ok, I know she loves me more, and that we shouldn't say anything to Danielle since she'd been having a hard time. Then my Mom walked in and gave Danielle a special lip gloss, just because.

I pretended to be upset that Danielle was getting all the love. She smirked and told me that maybe I should get cancer.

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