Monday, January 9, 2012

Put it into perspective

A few coworkers and I were out to lunch and two of them started complaining about some changes that were being made to our benefits.

Our health benefits are still better than most companies. Our retirement benefits freaking rock. Our Paid Time Off is rocking awesome. We get bonuses. But they were irritated that our health benefits were changing slightly and they would have to pay more.

These are two people who have very nice cars and cell phones and go out to eat at nice restaurants without batting an eye.

And they started talking about decreasing their donation to United Way, which our company supports.

Because apparently the reduction in benefits was negatively affecting them. So they are going to take it out on people less fortunate than them.

Of course I said something. You know me. I tend to offend people by saying what I think. About how there are people out there in need and we need to appreciate what we have and it's our job to help those people and shut up about the benefit changes already.

One coworker turned to me and said, "Yeah, but you're Mormon, so you're happier than most people."


  1. LOVE IT!!!! You are a fabulous person and I love that you say something when it's necessary!

  2. Well, I guess she told you! Hilarious! Sharing what you can even makes you even happier, and what you freely give away, seems to come back 10 fold.
