Friday, January 20, 2017

Megan's Blanket

For Christmas, since I have eight siblings, we are in charge of one sibling that alternates every year. This year I had Megan. She wanted a crocheted blanket. I started in early November, but a large afghan is no easy task and it was definitely late.

First it took me three hours to find a pattern and the correct starting chain for an appropriately sized blanket. This means I had to crochet a few rows, measure it, rip it out, and start over. It's my least favorite part of any project. Once I had that done, then I had to figure out how much yarn of each color I needed. I had to go back to buy more yarn twice. It ended up being 20 skeins of yarn.

I also timed myself crocheting a row, then did a little math to figure out how many rows I would be crocheting, and then figured out how much time it was going to take me to do the blanket.

48 hours.

Two whole days.

I definitely set expectations with my sister that her Christmas present was going to be late.

But it's done, and I mailed it off.

I tried to take a photo on the couch but it's too big. So I asked J to model for me. And then the dogs wanted in on the action.

I think it turned out pretty well. But I don't think I'll ever be making another afghan in my life.

I waited until my sister got it and asked for a photo. Here is the beauty with her blanket:


  1. I love it and it is one of my most precious possessions. I am quite bossy about it. When I see someone using it they get the stink eye. It is so warm and snuggly! Thank you!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    1. The pictures of J posing on it with the dogs are cracking me up.
