Sunday, July 28, 2013


On Tuesday, July 23rd, I received a phone call. It was the follow-up from my interview for the Auto Performance position. We made a little small chat and inside I was screaming, "Yes or no! Good news or bad news! Let's go, spit it out!"

It was good news.

The only thing that stinks is that it's a "promotion." Technically it's a lateral move so there isn't a raise involved. But my position is no longer member contact and I will be working on projects, which is what I wanted to do. And there has been a review of the underwriting department by HR - if they change my role to a staff position, there could be raises.

I'm just happy to be doing something new. It's a really competitive department and I had to learn the hard way that you can't just be a hard worker and hope someone notices. You have to stand up and tell people what you're doing. Which I, personally, find a little obnoxious. But a girl will do what a girl has to do.

My manager told me she's sad to be losing me and that I am a manager's dream; I do my work without supervision. Basically, she appreciates that I leave her alone. Except for when one of us wore new shoes that needed to be discussed and admired; that was definitely important.

I don't start my new position for another two weeks (August 12th) so I'm just wrapping up things with my old position. I can't wait to start!

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