Saturday, May 22, 2010


Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a camper. But I also don't like to be left out of a good time. When my senior at work, Matt, invited a group of us up to his cabin (with the understanding that his cabin was on the small side, so we would be sleeping outside), I really couldn't pass it up. I had running water and electricity...I could sleep on the ground one night, right?

This is Asmahan and Jose's tent...Greg is off the right right. Matt's cabin in the background.

Jose lit his smore on fire...on purpose.

Matt and Cindi were pretty sloshed. Joseph and I enjoy the antics.

He pretty much dared me to.

Smores are my favorite part of camping.

It was a good weekend. We sat and talked, played some games, had a really delicious dinner...I'd do it again. Even if I did feel like I'd been kicked all over after sleeping on the ground.

Playing CatchPhrase:

Matt: leaned over to the side and made a farting noise
Fred: Gas!
Matt: Yes, ok, and oh no, I'm on the freeway!
(The answer was "running out of gas")

Fred: The thing Jesus was buried in
Cindi: A tux!
(The answer was "shroud")

Best game ever.


  1. I'm so jealous! Steven and I have been wanting to go camping for EVER, but it's still pretty cold here. We just got snow at the beginning of May! I think it's over now though...maybe. I'm coming to Phoenix soon!!! We need to hang out. It's about time I have another one of those "laugh so hard you cry" moments that never fail me when I get in some quality Deidre time. ;0)

  2. I can't get over the thing Jesus was buried in answer!!!!
