Friday, June 3, 2011

Joseph's Arbor

Joseph loves his garden. He has tomatoes, cucumbers, blackberries, strawberries and who knows what all else. He decided he needed some grapes as well.

This is one grape plant that he planted against the wall. That trellis is huge. I guess he's anticipating a thriving plant. He refused to plant his second grape plant next to it, because it needed room to grow. So what did he decide he needed? An arbor.

He's so spoiled.

Well, after unsuccessfully trying to make a square (I used the pythagorean theorem and everything) and experiencing anxiety over a permanently cemented structure, we decided we needed professional help.

But Joseph did help. And I did too...I went on two hardware store runs, and the second time pointed out that they were going to need shorter nails.

I'm still The Brain.
Although we did learn a few new tricks.

It still needs to be sanded and stained, but it looks good. I wonder how long it will take a grape plant to cover it. Joseph can't wait to sit under it and eat some grapes.


  1. Looking good. Just so you know, I would be more than happy to sample some of the ends result of his lovely garden. I am just saying. :).

  2. I love it. I have envisioned one of these over that patio area in the front yard....with a cover that has the beams closer together. It is never going to happen, but a person can dream. Yes, Deidre, you are still the brain. :-) Can't imagine this lovely arbor harpooned with nails that were too long......
