Joseph and I both had a nice holiday with extended time off.
I have been looking for a new dresser. I want something with character. I love things that look antique and vintage while J is more of a contemporary guy. We have to compromise. I informed him I was getting a new (old) dresser. He is used to me and knows that once I make up my mind, he can try to reason me out of it (with about a 20% success rate) or he can go along with it. He decided to go along with it this time. During my search on Craigslist, I fell in love with something that is definitely not a dresser and is definitely not J's taste. When he saw how much I loved it, he said I could get it.
Before he found out it was in Gilbert. An hour drive one way. And also before he saw the price tag. I won't be living that down for awhile. My dresser is going to have to wait.
But isn't it just adorable??
Love it! We took the crusty old white Target cabinet that was there and put it in the garage.
Yeah, that's an "out of order" sign on the sink. I know, ghetto. I'm not going to replace the sink when we've always intended to replace those grody cabinets anyway, so we're dealing with it for the time being until we can rip everything out.
This paint job was so much better than the purple. The purple had drips and brush strokes that drove me crazy.

Awhile back I told J I wanted to paint the bathroom. Once we're done with the shed we're going to start saving and the bathrooms are our next project, so he tried to reason with me and say that it would be easier to do it all at once. Pull everything out, paint, then put everything back in. If we paint now, we're just going to have to touch up later, blah blah blah.
I listened and agreed with his reasoning for about a day. I am hosting a Christmas party at my house and I am tired of the purple and the butterflies. I also found this really awesome mirror at TJ Maxx I just loved. As I was eye-balling it, J told me I could buy it if I could tell him where I would put it. My immediate response was the bathroom. That coupled with the party meant that we would be painting it (this is an example of when the reasoning did not persuade me and he ended up going along with it. Told you it was only a 20% success rate).
The before:
It's really hard to photograph a small room. You can see the other wall through the mirror, so it worked out.
The after:
We had to move the towel rack. I like it much better now. I'm not sure why we didn't hang it there to begin with. You can see my TJ Maxx mirror in the mirror.
There it is again. It matches the shower curtain hooks.
I even changed out the doorstop. Since the old one was brass. And also missing its little nubbin courtesy of the brat cat Lily.
Friday night I hosted a Sisters Night. Not all of my sisters could make it, but that just meant more s'mores for us.

We cracked some pretty good jokes. Mostly you had to be there.

This was a game we played. Probably should have cut the paper down.
He snuck into the Sister Night. We let him stay cause he's cute.

I'm so glad they came over, I had a fun time.

Saturday we prepped the foundation for the shed. We haven't even bought the shed yet. The foundation took ALL DAY. We aren't even done laying pavers.
But that's a whole different blog post.
J goes back to work tomorrow, but I have a dental appointment so I took the whole day. I'm going to go visit my mom and take some time off from projects for awhile.