Saturday, January 3, 2015

Out of Town Joseph

J was in Vegas at a Nerd Conference. I was on my own for the weekend.

I came into the kitchen and spotted a green cup in my sink. And it really, really freaked me out.

I had just watched this video:

It is about a woman who had (supposedly) been living in this guy's apartment. I don't know if it's real or not, but it gave me the creeps. Watch the video and get creepified too.

Secondly, I am weird about dishes in the sink. I wouldn't have put my cup in the sink, it would have gone in the dishwasher.

Thirdly, I have a specific type of cup I use to drink out of, and it's not the green one, it's the awesome big one from Dickey's.

So I immediately assumed someone was in the house. My heart was pounding, and I was searching my brain, trying to figure out where the green cup could have come from.

And then I realized. J asked me to read his rain meter while he was gone.

The last time he asked me to read his rain meter when he was out of town, I had to take it down and wash it. It was so gross. There were two dead bees in it. Plus, that bothered me - that had to mess with the validity of his rain readings.

This time the meter had some kind of mold in it. I don't know how something that collects fresh rainwater can get so nasty.

The rain meter is triangular in shape. When I washed it, I tried to set it against the sink wall but it was sliding down. So I put it in the green cup to keep it upright while the bleach did it's thing.

I had used the green cup. And then scared myself silly.

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