Sunday, January 4, 2015

Crocheted Fox Gloves

My sister posted something on Facebook that she wanted from Etsy but it was sold out. It was some really cute fox gloves.

I tried finding a pattern for this with no luck. I gave up for a bit. And then Christmas came around and I thought it might be a nice surprise. Checked the Etsy listing. Still sold out. Rude. I was going to have to attempt to make the gloves.

I found a free pattern for fingerless gloves easy. It was too large, so I modified it down until it fit my hand.

I found the fingerless gloves pattern here:

Here's how I modified it (my notes in red):
Note:  Except for the first rnd and last rnd of the glove, you will not join the rnds with a sl st.  Instead, you will just continue to work sc in a spiral.
Ch 26.  (Ch 22 instead.) Join with sl st.  Place marker to mark beg of rnd.  (You will slip the marker up at the beg of each rnd.)
Rnd 1:  Ch 3, work dc in next and each rem st. [26 sts]
22 sts
Rnd 2:  Work sc in each dc.
Rnd 3:  Work sc in each sc.
Repeat Rnd 3 until piece measures 4".
Deidre did rows: 4 - 11.

Begin Thumb Gusset:
Next Rnd (Row 12):  (2 sc in next sc) 2x, sc in each rem sc. [28 sts] 24 sts
Next Rnd
(Row 13):  sc in each sc around.
Next Rnd
(Row 14):  2 sc in 1st sc, work sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each rem sc. [30 sts] 26 sts
Next Rnd
(Row 15):  sc in each sc around.
Next Rnd
(Row 16):  2 sc in 1st sc, work sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each rem sc. [32 sts] 28 sts
Next Rnd 
(Row 17):  sc in each sc around.
Next Rnd (Row 18):  2 sc in 1st sc, work sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each rem sc. [34 sts] 30 sts
Next Rnd (Row 19):  sc in each sc around.
Next Rnd (Row 20):  2 sc in 1st sc, work sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each rem sc. [36 sts] 32 sts
Next Rnd (Row 21):  sc in each sc around.
Next Rnd (Row 22):  sc in 1st sc, skip 10 sc and sc in next st, pulling taut to connect thumb gusset, sc in each rem sc. [26 sts]. 22 sts
**Continue to work sc's in each sc until piece measures just above beg of fingers (~1½" from top of thumb gusset).  Join last rnd with sl st.  Remove marker and fasten off.  Weave in ends.

Then I had to figure out how to make a fox face. I played around with a few different things and this is what I came up with:

Fox ear pattern:
Row 1: Ch 5. Sc in the 2nd ch from hook and each remaining ch. Turn. (4 sc)
Row 2: Ch1, sc2tog, sc2tog (do not use the little nub on the end). Turn.
Row 3: Ch 1, sc2tog (do not use the little nub on the end). Fasten off.

Crochet the ears in both colors (white and the color of the fox). Join the white and fox-colored triangles (more notes below) and Sc around the three sides of the triangles, joining them together. Leave an extra long tail to sew onto the glove.

**As you sew on the ears, make sure it’s tight. I sewed it on loose and tried to tighten it later and it was too hard – I had to unravel it and do it over.

Snout pattern (white):
Row1: 4 hdc in third ch from hook. Hcd in next 2 stitches. In last stitch, 5 hdc. Working on other side of ch, hdc in next 2 st, join with sl st to beginning.  Fasten off, leaving a long tail to sew on.

Nose (black)
Chain 3.
Do a single crochet decrease over second and third chains from hook. Fasten off, leaving a long tail to sew on.

Eyes: buttons

The ears were a pain because you had these two pieces of yarn to weave in.

So I weaved them to the middle then knotted them together and made sure to sew that side inward.

I hate sewing. It is such a struggle getting things centered correctly and everything weaved in and tied off. It was a relief when this project was completed.

They're not as elegant as the original, but I hope my sister likes them.

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