Sunday, December 2, 2012


I love Christmas. I love the decorations. The lights. The nativities. Finding great gifts for loved ones. Bursting with the secret of the great gift. The Christmas trees. The carols on the radio.

I turn into a child around this time of year. Or, if J was writing this, he would say, "Deidre's child-like behavior becomes more prominent this time of year."

You can't see me but I just stuck my tongue out at you J.

We buy a real Christmas tree every year. We bought it yesterday but didn't have time to decorate it, so it was sitting naked. We dressed it up today.

I think this is Lilly's favorite time of year too. She is never very far from any sort of activity. She especially loves the tree and the ornaments.

J was chasing her around playing with her and tripped. I think she looks slightly concerned. Or just wanted to continue the game.

Two of those stockings are mine. I may have forgotten to mention that I also love the candy. Double the stockings, double the candy.

But seriously. I bought the blue one when J and I were first married. The one to the left with my name on it is from my childhood; my Mom just recently found it and gave it to me.

Those are a strand of bells, in case you can't tell.

Yep, already getting into mischief. I've already found three ornaments knocked down.


  1. I love this time of year too...for all the same reasons! I also love that you still put up the ceramic train I got you AND photographed it for your blog!!! :0)

  2. I would have liked a close up of the pickle ornaments. :-)
