I have missed this girl.
I've never been to Tombstone and it was quite the experience.
Just look at that hottie Keeley.
This girl makes me belly laugh. There were a couple times I laughed until I cried and then I laughed until I squeaked.
The two that I remember...
The youtube video of the reporter, on live TV, trying to get away from a gigantic bug, opening his mouth wide and make a little noise, as he tried to get away. Then Keeley doing the same thing, unintentionally, with a bug later in the day.
Discussing haboobs and Keeley's husband Steven asking if that was Aladdin's monkey's name.
I wish she didn't live across the country.
I've missed you too. That was so much fun! I started laughing again thinking about all of the things we laughed about that day. You're the best! I can't wait to see you in October!!! Love you Dee