J told me I should work out. Isn't that the weirdest thing? You have to actually expend energy in order to get energy. Seems like it should be against the law of physics. But it actually works.
So I did a zumba video. Felt better. And finished my necklace holder.
I'd been using this snow bunny for my necklaces. It worked until I got too many. My Mom made it for me when I was really small and it's hung in all of my bedrooms for decades. So it will still hang, but I needed a new option.
I bought a piece of wood for 98 cent. Cut two pieces down to 21 inches. And screwed it together.
Then I stained it. Added some hooks.
Tried to figure out how a person is supposed to nail in a nail that small without smashing fingers.
Did not smash my fingers.
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. One thing I would do differently is to actually think about my dimensions. My original plan had been to screw a hook every inch. For a 21 inch long shelf, that is 40 hooks. When it actually came down to it, I decided that was too much work. But 21 inches doesn't divide easily and the end hooks would have been unevenly spaced.
I contemplated cutting my board down, but decided that was too much work so I just eye-balled it. My second mistake is that I didn't actually count my necklaces. But some of them just doubled up and it's not a big deal. I think it looks pretty good.
So I am ready for J's birthday tomorrow with something crossed off my To Do list. I am ready for the day I have planned.