Monday, November 30, 2015


I lovelovelovelove Christmas. It is my favorite holiday. J knows this and he does everything he can to make me happy.

We get a real Christmas tree. Which is always crooked. I actually like it better crooked.

J refuses to give up and thinks it's not crooked this year. But it is.

When it was time to decorate the tree, J put on Christmas carols and made me hot cocoa.

Fancy hot cocoa with cinnamon, whipped cream, and grated chocolate. He made two cups, but knocked one over with his pinky. He grabbed for it and it probably would have been fine, but then I grabbed for it and just knocked it completely over. And the entire thing spilled all over the counter and floor.

Here's to hoping that's not a new tradition.

I was texting my sister, waiting for the lights to be done, when J found me, grabbed my hand, and started dancing to Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You. This guy melts my heart.

He knew I wanted a photo of my babies (the cat refused to be included) but the littlest was too hyped up to sit still, so he sat with them. And tilted his head so you catch the full effect of that heartbreaker dimple.

My Mom has had these reindeer since I was little and I love them.

We also had a Christmas tree like this but I don't know where it is now. I freaked out when I saw it at As You Wish last year, so J painted it for me.

I love this time of year.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


J's family was out of town, so we didn't have to split time. We hung out with my family.

Breezy is his second favorite Auntie. She was comforting him after he fell down.

Kristi is his number one favorite. 

Two siblings are missing from this picture. 

The older nephew is helping his cousin clean the grass off his hands. It's funny, because when the older one was that age, he didn't like his hands to be dirty either.

It's just not Thanksgiving without dogs staring at me.

My youngest sister Breezy curled my hair for me, which I very much appreciate. Our sister Danielle was hanging out in the bathroom chatting. Danielle recently had surgery and will be having chemo treatments soon.

My phone lit up with a Happy Thanksgiving text from our sister Megan who lives in Texas. Danielle informed me, in a very braggy way, that she had received that message a minute earlier. I texted Megan asking why Danielle was texted before me. Megan said not to read anything into it; she was just texting people randomly. I texted back (and made sure Danielle could see) and told Megan it was ok, I know she loves me more, and that we shouldn't say anything to Danielle since she'd been having a hard time. Then my Mom walked in and gave Danielle a special lip gloss, just because.

I pretended to be upset that Danielle was getting all the love. She smirked and told me that maybe I should get cancer.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Dog Sweater

I was doing pretty well reducing my chocolate intake.

Seriously, it's an addiction. Your brain lights up just like you're on drugs.

But then we had some stuff happen. Family stuff.

I fell off the wagon and my chocolate intake is way high.

So here is something that cheers me up.

My littlest has started shivering. People who live in areas with snow probably aren't fazed with 57 degree weather, but when you consider it was over a hundred degrees a few weeks's friggin freezing.

I crocheted my baby a sweater.

Look at those little dancing feet! She will dance for a treat and it cracks me up.

I had leftover yarn from crocheting my friend Preeti a baby blanket.

I also made Preeti a little bear hat. Hope I get a photo of that little baby wearing it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Quinn's Baby Photos

I asked Katelyn if anyone was taking her baby's newborn photos.


I have a friend who spent $1000 on photos.

And the photos look AMAZING.

But that's kind of a crapton of moolah.

So I offered to do it.

Because I'm the best friend ever.

I also crocheted that mermaid tail. I have mentioned before that I am mad about mermaids.

We made this moon bed for Jett's photo shoot (found here).

This one is my favorite. Bella the dog is like...that is the weirdest looking puppy I have ever seen.

Also, yes that is a chip clip holding up my background. J was rather indignant because he thinks I've been stealing his clips but those are my special photography-only chip clips. Very professional.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Leaning Tree

Halloween morning J's Dad came over with his chain saw and cut down the mesquite in our front yard. We had a big rain a few months back and it has started leaning. It's seriously a problem. You can see how it's blocking the walkway.

J wants to plant a new tree right there but I really like how it opens things up. We'll see.