This year was our nine year wedding anniversary and my birthday was a few days after that.
I am in the middle of non-stop potty training a three pound dog, so I feel like my life revolves around that right now.
Joseph made sure I had a wonderful anniversary.
He got us a hotel room and put my favorite chocolates on the bed.
Our anniversary always falls on Arizona Restaurant Week, which is just amazing timing. This year we went to Chelsea's Kitchen.
I just realized I have no photos of our desserts. I probably dug right in as soon as they were put on the table.
My birthday was wonderful. For Sunday night family dinner, my Mom made me a cookie cake. And one for my sister Danielle, whose birthday is four days after mine.
My Mom, who knows I loooooove frosting, had saved some in a bag and told me I could add decorations. I wrote "my fav" on there with extra frosting and told my sister that Mom wrote it. My sister crossed it out and wrote "my love" on hers, which I then crossed out.
My sister Stephanie drew me a beautiful mermaid card. It says "Never forget to be yourself" and on the inside it says, "Unless you can be a mermaid. Then be a mermaid." Love it.
Joseph made me a delicious dinner and then cleaned up all the dishes.
This was my Mom's "wrapping" job on my present. It cracks me up.
I really love my coworkers. Jen took me out and treated me to lunch Monday.
Tuesday was my actual birthday, so I took the day off and my Mom treated me. My Mom is so funny, she posted on FB where and when we were going, and then said (in jest, I'm sure) that anyone who wanted to show up was invited.
Well I am so glad Katelyn and Brian took her at her word.
I didn't get a photo with anyone else, we ended up just having a good time talking and laughing, but my Mom and Dad were there along with sister Danielle, her son Jett, brother Mike, and of course Joseph. It was a fun lunch.
Wednesday my team took me out. We went to Ah-So. And sweet Asmahan picked up my tab. I felt so bad, because it was a little pricey. And I remember trying to pick up the tab (for her cheap sandwich!) for her birthday this year but she had a coupon and all I bought were her chips.
They told the server it was my birthday and I got a delicious dessert.
Then Thursday Laura took me out to lunch. Friday was a department celebration because we reached out goal for donating to United Way (they do it every year) so there was a delicious lunch provided. Fabulous way to end the week.
J got me some wonderful, thoughtful birthday gifts (to include an air compressor - I can finally use my nail guns!!!). One of my gifts was going to see the Iron Giant in theaters. It is such a cute movie, I really like it. They did a remastering (whatever that means) and had two new scenes. My brother Mike met up with us and it was a good night.
I don't mind getting older. I wonder if there will be a point when I do.
Next year is my ten year wedding anniversary, and my parents' 40 year wedding anniversary is right behind. We will be on a beach vacation. Oh yes.