Monday through Thursday I was in San Antonio at our home office on a business trip. I worked a partial day Friday and then went home after lunch. Joseph and I took my truck to pick up some mulch. I didn't count how many wheelbarrows we filled and dumped in my truck, but it was ten to unload. J found the woman on a forum who was advertising the free mulch; she had extra from a large delivery. I asked J how much it cost to have mulch delivered. He said it was free, you just had to contact a tree removal place; they deliver it to you instead of paying to take it to a dump. I looked at him with narrowed eyes and said, "You mean someone could have delivered it to us for FREE instead of doing all that work to go get it?" J then informed me that we were gathering good karma by helping the woman out and taking the mulch off her hands.
The first thing we did Saturday was run to Lowe's.
Our first project was to take care of our AC drain line. We have two pipes that release water on the side of our house (which I very helpfully circled in red below). Usually the bottom pipe is the one that drains, but the top one started leaking, which we were told is a potential problem, since it's an indication the other one could be clogged. J went into the attic and saw that the drain pan had standing water, another bad sign. So we bought a wet vac and hosed it out.
We have been meaning to add insulation to the attic, and this weekend was slightly cooler and cloudy/rainy, so J thought it was a good opportunity to jump on that project. I'm pretty proud that I was able to get 20 bags of insulation, the insulation blower, the two hoses to the blower, and the wet vac in my truck and all tied down. We made it home without anything flying off. Admire it. Just admire it.
I fed the insulation into the blower while J was in the attic with the hose. This is the before shot. Afterwards his clothes were completely covered in dust and insulation.
This is during one of our breaks. He was drenched in sweat. It was not a fun job. It took about three hours and we had to break multiple times. One time we had to break because I got my fingers caught in the blower. It kept getting clogged, and I couldn't just keep stopping it and turning it back on, so I would quickly push it through and pull my fingers out. But I miscalculated once and I am so lucky to still have all the fingers on the left hand. It hurt like the dickens. (Who are the dickens and why do they hurt?)
We also have a big trash pick-up coming through so we did some yard work - trimming of trees/bushes, pulling weeds, general clean-up. J has been using Photoshop and has a master plan of our future backyard (to include an outside kitchen). I'm sure it will take years until it is how he wants it, but since the inside of our house is pretty much done, we may as well move outside. I just want a second shed and grass. But J is mad about trees. I think by the time he's done we're going to have a forest.
We also got some new chickens. Do you remember the old chickens (post found here - read the comments to find out what happened to them)? Well we have replaced them. I only wanted two but J found someone who was getting rid of three and she said they were good layers. We just got them yesterday and I already have two eggs!!!! Joseph made a rule that the eggs must be washed. Which makes me wonder if the eggs you buy from the store are washed. They do come from a chicken's butt...