Friday, August 12, 2011

Um...Thank you?

I wore really high wedges today and my coworker Lottie was commenting on it. As I walked past her, she exclaimed, "How come you're not a model? You are perfect for it!"

I said thanks, but my face isn't cute enough.

And I'm not saying that because I wanted her to tell me how cute I am. Not. At. All. I was being serious. I have kind of a weird face. I'm just being honest. I still have a good self esteem, so I'm not worried about it. I still think I'm alright. Not the prettiest girl in the world (this is where I am humble) but I'm also not an uggo (this is the part of me that is shallow. A character flaw I am working on).

She replied in a very appropriate way. What did she say?

"They can airbrush that."


  1. HAHA! She said that? You have a perfectly fine face for modeling D. You have the most beautiful blue eyes ever! They make me green with envy AND on occasion I even try to replicate some of my favorite Deidre facial expressions. You can ask Steven. I'm always telling him how beautiful I think you are.

  2. lol you silly beautiful girl. All models are air brushed to death.

  3. that is awesome!!!! You make me laugh every post! I see a new blog from you and just HAVE to read!!!!!! Love you D!!!!

  4. I say you don't have to model as you are more than a pretty person. Some people, their looks are all they have. I like your neck--They always stretch the hell out of the models' necks and make them longer. They probably wouldn't have to do that to yours. :-)
