One of my good friends at work is named Deni. Denisa (Den-ees-uh) is her real name, but to those who love her, Deni or Den-Den. She has the sweetest personality. She irritates me because she thinks she's selfish. I asked her to give me an example and she couldn't think of one. But that did not convince her.
She's also freaking gorgeous. I don't know why, but I'm noticing the people I choose to surround myself with are usually very attractive.
I think I'm shallow.
But this is a story about Deni (pictured here with hubby Sean).
See I told you she was gorgeous
She was going to be off work for a couple days, a Friday and a Monday. I asked her what in the world I was supposed to do without her, and gave her a bit of a hard time about it (teasingly).
Friday morning, I found this on my desk.
Those are Joseph's dirty fingernails holding the paper down, not mine. And now that I've noticed them, he is going to go clean them right now.
How freaking cute is that. It made my day.