Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Little Newborn Firefighter Outfit

My senior at work asked me if I could make a little newborn firefighter outfit for her brother's baby. I had some time because the baby wasn't due for another six weeks.

This is the first pattern I have had to buy and I'm pretty bummed. I could not find a cute baby firefighter hat ANYWHERE. I would have been fine with the ruffle cover and booties, but the hat could not be found.

The HFD is for Houston Fire Department. She lives in TX. And it's for a little girl in case you can't tell.

I asked around to see if anyone had any recent trips to San Antonio and if someone could just take the outfit for me. I found a coworker who was willing to take it.

And he forgot it at home.

So I got to mail it. It was delivered the day after the baby was born, who was born weeks early.

Tricky little babies.

She sent me a picture of the little baby.