Yeah, that didn't happen. I had to work last Saturday (hate working Saturdays, luckily it's only once every quarter) and when I came home I had a headache that just got worse. I was able to do some homework Sunday, thinking I could finish it up Monday, and that was fine because it wasn't due until Wednesday.
Monday Steve and Ellen came into town unexpectedly and wanted to hang out - which was so much fun, but threw me off my schedule. Because Tuesday I had plans to go to a Stampin' Up class with my mom and Kristi - again, so much fun, but that left me Wednesday to write two essays and four other mini-essays (discussion questions).
My BFF Keeley was in town this week, so we made plans for Wednesday - so Wednesday morning I cranked it out. I don't think I've ever written two essays and the other mini-essays that quickly in my life.
Let me just take a little moment to let out a sigh of relief - those two classes are OVER and DONE and I just have one class left, and then I have my MBA.
And one class after I just doubled up is going to be cake.
I took some pictures when Keeley came over; that girl is so stinkin cute. See for yourself.
This weekend I did a little homework (and by little I mean little, it's FABULOUS) and then Joseph reminded me that we needed to go to Office Max. He's had his eye on this desk, and it was on sale maybe a year ago. We had just made some big purchases, so we decided we would save up and keep on eye on the ads to see when it went on sale again. Good things come to those who wait!