It has been a tiring weekend. Joseph and I have gotten a lot done but there is still SO much to do. We haven't even STARTED moving yet....
The house was built in 1995, and it's in really good shape. The only thing we are trying to get rid of is a strange smokey smell. It's not too bad; once you're in the house for two minutes you don't notice it anymore. But that is not the first impression I want to be giving my guests! So we are scrubbing the walls and we are going to paint. Ugh, painting....
The kitchen faucet needed to be replaced. That was the only major repair...the house is really move-in ready but we want everything done before we start moving in. Joseph and I replaced the kitchen faucet by ourselves. We were proud as peacocks. It doesn't leak and it look FABULOUS. My kitchen has ugly countertops and old cabinets, but we're going to eventually replace those. The floorplan is awesome and the backyard is HUGE (really hard to come by in pricey Phoenix) so we think we got a good deal.
We also replaced the toilet seats, because...come on....that's just gross. Joseph let me do that because I like to do handyman stuff. I was telling him how glad I was that he wasn't letting his man-pride get in the way, and he was letting his wife do the manly stuff. His reply? "I wasn't touching those toilet seats!" Ah, my honest, handsome boy.
We are going to have to figure out how to install our garage door opener. That will be the next project after painting. We're also going to have to figure out how to take down the ugly fans so we can install new ones. Being a homeowner is expensive.
On my wish list: change out the light fixtures (they are an ugly brass), change the locks (not a wish, a must), change the closet into a pantry (who puts a closet in the kitchen??), remove the palm tree and cactus from the front yard (Joseph and I may be native Phoenicians, but I do not like cacti), eventually replace the kitchen cabinets/countertop and vanities in the bathrooms, and other little projects like making a seat for my little nook and making myself a headboard for my new (yet to be purchased) bed.
It's a bit daunting. But if you know me, you know I'll get it done. :) Joseph is very helpful when I am in project-mode.
If anyone wants to help with the painting/moving....I would seriously appreciate it. Joseph's mom offered but since our closing was DELAYED she has now moved back to Tennessee. Ah, I should probably write a post about the horror of a process it was to purchase this house...for posterity....I am too tired right now. It's finally our house and that's all that matters. Woo hoo we are homeowners!!